How To Fix Unresponsive Touch Screen On Android
If you have the problem that your Android device suddenly or for some reason stops responding to the touch screen, let me tell you that it is quite common. In the vast majority of cases it has to do with a problem with the physical components or hardware of the equipment, remember that they have a useful life and at some point they will fail, in this case, there is no other solution than taking it to a repair shop. repair to make the necessary part changes.
If this is not your situation, it is possible that with one of the following tips you can repair this problem that could be linked to a system failure.
A Simple Reboot May Be Enough

The first and easiest thing you have to try is to restart your computer. This procedure almost always fixes any damage or system bugs that the phone has. To do so, you just have to locate the power button and hold it down for a few seconds. You will be able to see an option to shut down or restart, check if it allows you to access restart, if so, wait for this process to complete and then check if the problem was repaired.
Change the touch sensitivity in settings

The step by step to change these settings can vary from one brand to another because each one uses its own custom layer of the Android system, so we will talk in a general way, but within the settings you can use the search engine to find the options.
Normally within the screen settings there is an option that mentions the touch sensitivity. Sometimes the option to increase the sensitivity is activated. This adjustment can greatly affect when it comes to double clicking or several quick clicks such as going back several times, in those cases you usually experience problems with the touch.
Another piece of advice within the screen settings is to leave the refresh rate or Hz at an optimal level, neither the maximum nor the lowest, but rather an average, so that the processor is not permanently subjected to maintaining those high levels of refreshments on screen. It can be counterproductive, because the higher the refresh rate, the faster the screen changes, but we are taking all the equipment's capabilities to the maximum and system bugs can appear at any time, one of them, problems with the touch.
Check if your screen protector is in good condition

If you use tempered glass, glass with UV glue or hydrogel, check that it is in good condition and that there are no air bubbles underneath. This is one of the main reasons why we experience touch issues. If the glass is broken, obviously in those areas there will be less sensitivity to the energy that our fingers produce to interact with the screen. In the same way with the hydrogel, if it is very scratched, those patterns affect the touch of the screen.
Also look, if you use cover, if the edges are in good condition. Some covers are pronounced towards the front profile of the frame, so that in cases of falls from the front, the screen does not make direct contact with the surface. It's a millimeter or two at the most, but if this edge is already damaged or chipped, it's possible that a small particle of it is making contact with the display and will be recognized by the system as touch at the same time you click anywhere on it. the screen, and you will notice a lack of touch control.
Clean Your Screen Well.

It is a good recommendation to clean the screen with lint every day. Dust particles, oil from our fingers or droplets of sweat affect the sensitivity of the touch. The humidity of the environment, together with the dust, can form a type of sludge that may not be visible to the naked eye, but it does create a sticky layer that could be affecting the touch. For this reason, clean your screen with a suitable material every night or every morning before using your cell phone.
Finally Reset to Factory Defaults

This would be the last option. If none of the above recommendations worked, you'll need to do a factory reset. The first thing you will think about is how cumbersome it will be to back up all your information, especially the photos. Because of this, when we enter the factory reset process, we accept the option of backing up all our system data, but that is precisely what you have to avoid doing.
When we back up in this way, we are also agreeing to return all settings to the way you have them at that time, and the only reason to factory reset is to get your equipment back to the way it was on the first day you used it, without no other change. Only in this way all the damages or bugs in the system can be solved.
So that you do not back up with the help of the system, you will have to back up your photos, either in the cloud (Google Drive, iCloud, OneDrive) or take them to a physical hard drive or USB memory.